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The Green Mama Blog

  • A Greener and Healthier Menstrual Cycle

    My friend N. called me yesterday to tell me she just got her period.  “What is the Green Mama approach to dealing with this?” she asked.  N. was new to green, but had already begun cloth diapering her baby, ate local foods, and had generally become curious about many things she used to take for granted.  I am always surprised when women ask me about this issue, but I shouldn’t.  It’s a big one: expensive in dollars, health effects, and waste. 

  • The Secret to Easy Weight Loss: The Green Mama Guide to how to use science and tradition for healthy weight management

    Here’s a secret: organic food, in itself, will help you lose flab and maintain a healthy weight. I still remember back to when I was just nine-years-old and my father making an impromptu and impassioned speech about how he would never, ever give up drinking full-fat milk. He was always a fit, good-looking guy and…
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  • How to read labels: The dangers of beauty products

    I’d been pouring over labels for years and considered myself a savvy shopper, but the skincare aisle almost had me duped.  I’m one of those people: the kind that stands in the Whole Foods aisle obsessively scanning every label.   I am not appeased by claims of Natural! Kid Safe! or Hypoallergenic. What I’m looking for are the ingredients. The rest, as far as I am concerned, is just fancy PR. I want to know what I’m putting in and on my body.

  • Sixteen Green Faux Pas for 2016

    We are all afraid of the green police. You know, those people who go around being more righteous than thou and shaming us lesser mortals for our shortcomings. At The Green Mama, we implore people to judge less (especially themselves): just start somewhere, just do something, and, gosh, have a little fun along the way….
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  • The real effect of eating organic & how to do it

    What’s the truth about organics? Simplified. Here’s what people say: “It’s too expensive.” “Well, I eat some things organic.” “My doctor says organic isn’t proven to make a difference.” “I just want my kids to eat!” How can I eat organic on a budget? I’m not going to lie. Eating organic on a budget is…
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  • Detoxify Safely While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

    Margaret Floyd Barry is the author of the Eat Naked books and a nutritional consultant. She explains that there are two parts to detoxifying: cleaning house at a cellular level and drainage to make sure the toxins have an easy exit. This second part is essential and often forgotten in a person’s enthusiasm to get…
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  • Soy versus milk infant formula

    Dear Vanessa, I really feel for your struggle. There are so many stresses with having a new baby and feeding the baby is usually number one on all moms lists: whether they breastfeed or formula-feed. There are some additional stresses when formula feeding a baby, because the chances of the baby being intolerant are much…
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  • Fiften Green Faux Pas for 2015

    We are all afraid of the green police. You know, those people who go around being more righteous than thou and shaming us lesser mortals for our shortcomings. At The Green Mama, we implore people to judge less (especially themselves): just start somewhere, just do something, and, gosh, have a little fun along the way….
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  • 7 dangerous food additives to ALWAYS avoid

    One of the most important aspects of eating healthy or what makes food “real” is avoiding dangerous food additives. The 7 most dangerous food additives in my research are: artificial sweeteners, artificial food colouring, carrageenan, MSG, Trans fat, sodium nitrate/nitrite, and fructose. Food Additives to Always Avoid Aspartame (Nutra-Sweet, Equal) and Saccharin These are used…
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  • How to Green Your Family’s Diet (and Not Go Crazy in the Process)

    We are what we eat. What I ate when I was a young kid was what the government gave us–and that included such goodies as peanut butter with hydrogenated oils, milk that no one wanted to buy (now that’s the stuff with artificial growth hormones added), and this bouncy, bright-orange “cheese product.” Now, what I–and…
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  • Feeding Baby Better 101 (& Avoiding Toxic Bottles)

    BACKGROUND ON THE ISSUE Much of what is at stake with feeding baby goes back to the discussion on toxic plastics.  Quite a fervor was caused when the group Environment California released a recent report entitled, “Toxic Baby Bottles” which showed that bisphenol-A (BPA) was leaching from baby bottles. And not just some baby bottles,…
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  • Composting 101: Demystifying Compost for Urban & Apartment Dwellers

    The Green Mama’s guide to backyard compost piles, composters, tumblers, vermicompost (worm bins), and electric-assist composters

  • Three steps to a healthy, green, organic pregnancy

    The Green Mama’s three steps to achieving the healthiest, greenest pregnancy

    1.   Eat organic.

    Pregnant women and children will especially benefit from eating organic food.

  • Eleven Effective Habits for a Greener 2011

    In 2011 green will be the thing.  Green is the fastest growing trend in food, buildings, and businesses. The entities that are thriving are those that are taking sustainability as part of what is essential. There are 11 habits that will guarantee that your lifestyle is more sustainable this year. Get good at them and you will save resources, money, and your health AND you will have fun in the process.

    1. Make ORGANIC a habit

  • What is the dirty dozen?

    Dear Green Mama: What is the dirty dozen?

  • What YOU can do to green your child’s classroom

    The first day of school: it is a blessing and a challenge.  When your child is at home, it seems easier to be in control of their safety. Then one day your child goes off to their first day of school (think cute little back pack and a last wave as they disappear through the door) and everything changes. “My teacher said…” becomes a routine saying at home and all of the sudden your baby is demanding that you start recycling.

  • Considering the Cause – New Report on Cancer

    If we use chemicals that are known or suspected carcinogens in our daily lives (e.g. consumer products, food we eat, etc.) we are increasing our risk for developing cancer.

  • Organic and From China: An Oxymoron?

    More of everything is coming from China and food is no exception.  Now, more and more, organic food is also coming from China.  Which raises the question: if it is from China is it really organic?



  • Reflections from a Hair Addict: Finding Recovery

    When I was growing up my hair was a mess: frizzy, bushy and permanently dented from being tied in a ponytail. Part of this was due to era, the late 80s/early 90s, but a lot of it was because my hair was addicted.

  • Organic Ingredients and the Real Organic Brands

    I’d been pouring over labels for years and considered myself a savvy shopper, but the skincare aisle almost had me duped.  I’m one of those people: the kind that stands in the Whole Foods aisle obsessively scanning every label.   I am not appeased by claims of Natural! Kid Safe! or Hypoallergenic. What I’m looking for are the ingredients. The rest, as far as I am concerned, is just fancy PR. I want to know what I’m putting in and on my body.

  • How safe is your kid's school lunch?

    It’s back to school time again and do you know what your kid is eating? Chances are if she is eating the school lunch, you don’t. Behind the heading of “hamburger with fries,” “pizza with vegetables,” is a dirty little secret that might be harming your child.  (Yes, this is a re-post, BUT school lunches are one of the top green issues facing parents and children when going back to school.)