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Empowering, inspiring, award-winning & my Grandma says you’ll love it….


Terms & Conditions

This little section covers copyright, trademark, and my publication and review policies. In other words, all the super fine print: you know the stuff you need reading glasses or a magnifying glass to read.

All-in-all, it’s pretty simple.

1. Copyright. The work in my books are copyrighted and all permissions must go through Dundurn press. The work on The Green Mama website is copyrighted under a restricted Creative Commons license. (This is a very cool alternative to traditional copyright–check it out.) I welcome you to Reprint! Republish! Distribute! any article by me published on this website AS LONG as you credit me: Manda Aufochs Gillespie, The Green Mama (yes, the whole long thing) AND link to and include the website AND use the work in context AND use the work for a non-commercial purpose.

2. Trademark. The Green Mama name and logo are a registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. As the owner of this trademark, I take defending it very seriously. This means that you may not use a similar name or logo to do similar work (giving advice, publishing, educational materials, or green products). Yes, even if your names is similar, but different, and includes any variation of spelling, adding lots of other adjectives into the name (no Green Mommas; no Green, Tired & Bored Mama; you get the idea…), or anything else that might be confusing to potential clients or followers. If you are interested in doing some awesome green mama work of your own, I’d love to support you on the path and I am very generous in my help, so please do reach out, including if you are confused about this issue. (Did I already mention that I take this issue very seriously? I do.)

3. Publication policy. By and large, I write about the issues near and dear to my heart. I write about them after spending–sometimes years–researching an issue. These issues are sometimes timely, sparked by an Ask the Green Mama question, or because I found something squirreled away in a file half-written and finally got around to finishing it. I sometimes have other writers that I beg to write for me, sometimes other writers ask to submit something, and rarely there will be a sponsored post. I do my best to make sure you are always clear on who is writing it and why. I would never publish any content for any amount that I didn’t support (although I am still waiting to actually have this so-called moral really tested. Wouldn’t you like to offer me a million bucks to see?)

4. Reviews/ratings/PR/sponsored posts. I will never, ever give you something that I don’t believe in, nor market you something that doesn’t meet the rigorous “Green Mama Approved” rating. Here’s the thing about me:   I work hard to not judge parents and to honour my readers with real information based on extensive research and I am fanatical about companies being transparent and honest. For those products, services, and companies that are doing that hard work of providing families with the best stuff out there (including numerous small business, with tiny budgets), I go out of my way to make sure you find out about their products (if this is you, contact me!). I also do my best to help you navigate through all the green-washing done by companies trying to capitalize on your desire to keep your family safe.

If there is a company that I use, meets the ” Green Mama Approved” standard,  and that I want to support one way I do that is to provide affiliate relationships. This allows them to advertise with me for no upfront costs (really important especially for small companies) and allows me to make a small percentage (usually .5% to 5%) of sales that come from my website. This does not cost you, the consumer, anything but allows them to track who comes from my site and allows me to offer them advertising without charging up front.

5. Amazon TM affiliates.  Often you want to know exactly WHAT product to buy in order to make your own baby food, or find healthier face paints, or a book that is a must-read and Amazon allows me to help guide you to it without developing a relationship with every single one of those smaller companies. It also allows me to earn a small percentage for that advertising without it costing you anything.  Here’s Amazon’s small print. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to,,

5. I love learning about you. So, whether you are a tiny green company looking to do a trade, are a mom interested in printing stuff off to give to your teacher (do it!), have a question about The Green Mama trademark, want to get your product or store a Green Mama Approved seal, or just want to ask a question, I look forward to hearing from you.
Creative Commons License
The Green Mama blog by Manda Aufochs Gillespie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
