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The Green Mama Blog

  • Five Steps to Changing Any Behavior through Storytelling

    Better parenting through storytelling is possible Perhaps, even, probable. “Storytelling. We are wired for it—literally. The neuroscience is conclusive—we use stories to build our realities and make sense of them,” says David Sewell McCann the storyteller and co-creator of Why Storytelling is Better than Lectures for Discipline Sewell McCann implores parents, especially fathers for…
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  • Mama to Mama: Clutter Free With Kids

    As January draws to a close, many of us have let our resolutions fall by the wayside. But if there is one goal that it pays to keep up on throughout  the year, it’s banning the clutter that goes along with family life. From birthday party goodie bags to “can-we-please-get-this” moments-of-weakness at the thrift store,…
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  • Computers vs. Playgrounds: It’s a no brainer!

    A Cracked Foundation Attachment and Addictions How virtual parenting is destroying children. A Cracked Foundation profiles how attachment formation is an underlying causal factor for the recent rise in child mental illness and addiction. Mixed Signals Technology Balance Connection to technology is disconnecting child development. Mixed Signals covers research related to the impact of technology…
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  • Green Baby 101: Six easy steps for giving your baby a healthy start and greener future

    Dear SUE: Congratulations on your new baby!  Becoming a parent is a transformative time: everything is changing. Making those healthy and cost-effective is actually the easy part! Feeling good about these things can hopefully de-stress some of the harder aspects of parenting too. Three “starter” tips that make getting started easier: 1. Start with the…
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  • School of Thanks: Teaching kids to care in today’s world

    I want my kids to know how good they’ve got it. Don’t we all?

    Like most Middle-Class parents in North America, I parent with a lot more: I obsess about their educational experiences, rush off to the doctor at the first sign of a rash, and worry about which summer camp will be the most enriching.

  • Fairytales make kids smarter

    I’ve been doing a lot of research recently on the profound effects that media has on children. I take getting my children into nature, limiting their media, and encouraging play seriously. These parenting techniques are backed by science and are proven to be some of the best ways to raise healthier, and smarter, children. Yet, a person needs to sleep in every so often (except not my children). Or survive long car rides, airplane trips to Gautemala, anyway…. you get the picture…

  • How to Really Green A Kid’s Birthday Party

    Doing less may actually do more for children’s celebrations

    My own child was still a baby when I got invited to the birthday of the little neighbour girl turning six. Until that day, I hadn’t thought much about this new generation of birthday parties. Like most parents, I didn’t go to kids’ birthday parties until I had kids. When I was little birthday parties were simple affairs: my brother, sister, and myself eating a cake that my mom made, with one present to open afterwards.