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The Green Mama Blog

  • Baby potty training help for a 19-month-old

    My advice. Buy a couple cloth diapers that come on and off easily and potty train him NOW. Don’t do the disposable unless traveling as it will reverse your EC (baby potty training) gains fast. Instead get your little potty and put it where he’s playing AND put him in a cloth pull-up diaper. Get…
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  • How to Potty-train a Baby: Elimination Communication made simple

    Elimination Communication or How to Potty-train a Baby Even in cozy North America, exposing a baby to the idea of eliminating on 
a potty can be easier than a parent might think, and it can save a lot of dirty diapers, which is good for the environment as well as your pocketbook. Many parents are…
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  • Demystifying cloth diaper types: which is which?

    This list will explain the ins and outs and the pros and cons of the most common types of cloth diapers. All-In-One: These popular diapers are what they sound like: no covers, no inners; they’re all-in-one. The upside: they are easy to use, absorbent, and are usually size-adjustable. The downside: they can be bulky. The…
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  • How to wash cloth diapers: the easy, green way

    Conservation Tips: Washing Cloth Diapers at Home A home washing system can be made to be even more conservative than a diaper service (which, because they aggregate diapers, is actually quite green already). Here are some keys to conserving resources and money when washing diapers at home: Do full loads, either by removing the poop…
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  • The Dirt on Disposable Diapers

    Cloth vs Disposable Diapers: it’s not just the earth that gets a bum deal Once, there was this Elder that attended one of my Green Mama talks. She shocked all of us when she proclaimed that “any parent who used disposable diapers was evil.” As a parent who has used disposable diapers, I didn’t agree…
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  • Baby On The Go Part 2 : Cloth Diapering & EC

        Here are 10 tips for taking a vacation with cloth diapers in tow: 1. Bring more than enough detergent. Especially if you are going somewhere where cloth diapering isn’t the norm. We use Nellies All Natural Laundry Soda. 2. Keep in mind that all washers are dryers are different. The rule of thumb…
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  • DIY baby wipes & bum spray recipe

    DIY baby wipes & bum spray recipe from The Green Mama Make a little spray bottle for on the go, take your cloth wipes and pre- soak them, or make disposable baby wipes by adding the baby wipe mix to an unbleached, paper towel roll cut in half or a to flushable cloth- diaper liners….
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  • Mama To Mama: The Minimalist Diaper Bag

    The new year is a time for resolution and transformation. And the middle of January is a time for giving up on all your goals and resolutions…. I often find this true for myself, unless my particular resolution is actually making my days easier and more enjoyable. Welcome to my only resolution that has truly…
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  • Cloth Diapering 101: Updated.

    Cloth diapers. It might be the thing that the parents in my Green Parenting 101 class are most curious about and have the most MIS-information about. As one student asked looking at my display table, “That cute thing is a CLOTH diaper?” Indeed, cloth diapers aren’t the ugly, bulky things held together by safety pins that many of us grew up with.

  • Bum Genius Organic All-in-One Cloth Diapers

    The highest rated Green Mama Approved cloth diaper.

  • Diapers: Another Problem Facing Parents in the Third World

    Last year when I went to Guatemala with my baby and young daughter, I was horrified. Yes, at the spiders and scorpions and Giardia, but even more at the daily dilemma around diapering babies.

  • Cloth diapering 101 (these aren’t your mama’s cloth diapers)

    Cloth diapers. It might be the thing that the parents in my Green Parenting 101 class are most curious about and have the most MIS-information about. As one student asked looking at my display table, “That cute thing is a CLOTH diaper?” Indeed, cloth diapers aren’t the ugly, bulky things held together by safety pins that many of us grew up with.

  • Welcome to the Green Mama Blog

    Welcome to the Green Mama Blog

    My husband and I are environmentalists the way some people are Artists, or Christians, or Democrats. It defines how we live—how we shop, who we hang out with, what we read, and, of course, how we parent.