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The Green Mama Blog

  • How to Find a Greener, Safer Carseat or Booster

    When buying carseats there are two additional green options to consider. 1. The toxins in the carseats. Read more. 2. The plastic and waste in the carseats themselves (which are hard or impossible to recycle and can also be associated with the toxins above.) Read more. How to find a greener carseat  Check out the…
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  • Better Plastics

    Is your water bottle killing you?  First, came the news about the toxic baby bottles and, then, Nalgene and Camelbak and all of my once favorite sports bottle companies phased out their polycarbonate lines (all the while denying their products have anything wrong with them).  Then, everyone came out with BPA-free plastics. And, while researching…
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  • Can I recycle my baby’s carseat?

    Dear D.: Carseat recycling is possible and of course it is preferable to throwing the plastic, metal, and material into the garbage where it takes landfill space and can leach flame retardants, plasticizers, and even heavy metals.  Unfortunately, the alternative is recycling and there are few places that recycle them.  I called one of these…
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  • Not buying recycled

    Common items that we use everyday, such as toilet paper, disposable diapers, notepaper, plastic containers, cellphones, ink printers, bottles, and so much more COULD be made with recycled paper, plastic, metal, glass, or even concrete. If you aren’t buying the recycled items when and where they are available you are not only contributing to, for instance, new trees being used but you are also making it harder to develop markets for recycled products.

  • Top 10 Green Faux Pas

    Top 10 Green Faux Pas (originally published on Chicago Now)

    This list is based on observations I’ve made about the little things we can do every day to be green. Little things are important because they keep good green practices front of mind and visible to others, hopefully causing others to join in. To find out how you can make the biggest impact, calculate your total carbon footprint.

    Here are my top 10 green faux pas:

  • What We Can Learn from the U.K.: A lesson in e-waste recycling

    I know Independence Day is coming up for us U.S.-based folks, but I have to take a moment to praise the British for their efforts in regard to waste.

  • What you can learn from the plastic recycling codes

    Bisphenol A (BPA) mimics the hormone estrogen and may interfere with ovulation and
    reproduction as well as brain-cell development. 
    Where do you find it: BPA is a plasticizer that is found in (and leaches out of) products
    such as polycarbonate water bottles, baby bottles, canned soups, beans, and other
    foods as well as softdrinks. Nearly all can liners contain BPA.  Regular use, such as