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The Green Mama Blog

  • The Secret to Easy Weight Loss: The Green Mama Guide to how to use science and tradition for healthy weight management

    Here’s a secret: organic food, in itself, will help you lose flab and maintain a healthy weight. I still remember back to when I was just nine-years-old and my father making an impromptu and impassioned speech about how he would never, ever give up drinking full-fat milk. He was always a fit, good-looking guy and…
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  • The Truth About Soy, Fertility, and Children’s Health

    Today I woke  up and all the headlines in my health science bubble were about how suddenty, again, soy is the new health food. Funny, just last month it was the demon responsible for low sperm count and premature puberty in children. What gives: is soy healthy or not? The health effects of soy are…
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  • Recommendations for Vitamin D supplementation for women & for pregnancy

    This is perfect timing as I just finished writing on supplements, including Vitamin D, for the new Green Mama book on Pregnancy. (Look for it this Spring.) These days vitamin D is considered a sort of wonder-vitamin helping with weight management, mood, and overall health. It is one of the few additional supplements that I…
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  • Is it something he ate? How to do an elimination diet with a child

    If your child is suffering from behavioral outburst, chronic infections, reflux, chronic colds, or skin issues such as eczema, you likely need to examine his or her diet. The first person I think of in any of these situations is Kelly Dorfman, author of Cure Your Child with Food: The Hidden Connection Between Nutrition and…
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  • Growing a Healthy Child as a Vegetarian: From Pregnancy, Baby & Beyond

    What a parent should know about ensuring a vegetarian baby is healthy I was a vegetarian, and for some years a vegan (strict vegetarian), during my early adult life. I chose this path for a mixture of health, environmental, and ethical reasons. But I do not recommend this for the preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum years….
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  • 8 Ways You Are Already Saving the Planet Every Day

    Good News in Daily Habits If you’re looking for the best way to combat climate change and save the planet, here’s some good news: the habits you’ve already incorporated into your life make a difference since many are part of a sustainable, low-impact lifestyle. Committing to a sustainable lifestyle is easier than many people think,…
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  • How to Find Healthy & Safe Seafood & Fish: Without Antibiotics, Mercury, GM Feed, or Cloned Genetics

    Demystifying Eating Fish: How to find baby and mama (and earth)-safe seafood When I lived in the Midwest, I didn’t think much about fish and seafood. The fish that came out of Lake Erie weren’t particularly appetizing. Now, that I live on the coast, fish and seafood are a regular (and tasty) part of my…
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  • Label Reading 101: How To Make Sense of Organic/Natural/Free-Range/nonGMO and other Food Labels

    Not all food labels are created equal. Understanding which ones are what they pretend to be is an important step in getting value from a family’s food dollars. It’s worth it to spend more for food that is free of pesticides, artificial growth  hormones, and genetically-modified contents. It’s not so nice to spend money on…
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  • Healing Baking Soda Drink Recipe

    How to use baking soda for healing infections and staving off disease One of the cheapest and easiest ways to oxygenate your body is with baking soda.  (I adapted this recipe from the Healthy, Wild, and Free blog and I’ve been using it for awhile.)  ½ tsp of baking soda (I recommend diminishing to 1/4…
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  • Four easy steps to improving your oxygen levels

    Fight off illness the easy, natural way I’ve had great success in fighting of illness and just “feeling” better through oxygenating my body naturally. That’s because oxygen is a healer. It’s a primary source of energy and helps fuel the entire metabolism process and helps with detoxification (from the ordinary toxins that just result in…
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  • Eczema cures for a baby

    What you put on his skin matters, but what you put inside might be the real culprit.

  • Allergy or sensitivity? Making sense of food issues.

    Food sensitivities are confusing, but you can take back control of this overwhelming problem. It helps many parents to realize that food sensitivies are a real issue and they are one the rise. Not because you did something wrong! Rather, most of it is probably because the world is increasingly toxic and our strains of…
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  • 7 dangerous food additives to ALWAYS avoid

    One of the most important aspects of eating healthy or what makes food “real” is avoiding dangerous food additives. The 7 most dangerous food additives in my research are: artificial sweeteners, artificial food colouring, carrageenan, MSG, Trans fat, sodium nitrate/nitrite, and fructose. Food Additives to Always Avoid Aspartame (Nutra-Sweet, Equal) and Saccharin These are used…
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