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The Green Mama Blog

  • The Truth About Soy, Fertility, and Children’s Health

    Today I woke  up and all the headlines in my health science bubble were about how suddenty, again, soy is the new health food. Funny, just last month it was the demon responsible for low sperm count and premature puberty in children. What gives: is soy healthy or not? The health effects of soy are…
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  • Recovering Fertility If You Have Previously Used Hormonal Birth Control

    If you have previously used hormonal birth control—and, who hasn’t these days—you will most likely need help recovering your optimal health, ideally before pregnancy. Hormonal birth control can deplete the body of key nutrients, including thyroid hormones and zinc, which are both crucial for reproductive health. “There is evidence that the longer a woman is…
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  • Greener Sex: Birth control, sex toys, & lubricants made better for you & the environment

    Tips and resources for healthier and more environmentally responsible birth control, sex toys, and lubricants. There are number of things that can be done to green-up sex itself. From using products such as condoms and lubricants that are healthy on the body, not made of estrogen-releasing plastics, and are gentle on the environment to avoiding birth control that routinely exposes your body and our waterways to persistent doses of estrogen.

  • How to Detoxify your Personal Lubricant, Find Healthier Options, and Make Your Own Organic Lube

      It’s gross: we add some of the most researched toxins to our personal lubricants including known irritants, cancer-causers, and even an ingredient in anti-freeze. None of these ingredients help the health of a woman and some can significantly harm fertility or make a woman more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In particular watch…
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