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The Green Mama Blog

  • Anti-bacterial hand soap and your child: a dirty clean?

    It’s school time again; and in every school bathroom in North America you can hear the “splat, splat” sound of anti-bacterial soap squirting onto the hands of school children everywhere. So, what does the science tell us about anti-bacterial products and just how bad are they for our children’s health?

  • My daycare won’t stop spraying on that sunscreen

    It is so interesting that you sent this question as I was just talking about this with my friend who is the director of a nonprofit daycare. She had mentioned that they are required to apply sunscreen every two hours and that she was worried about the kinds of sunscreen that were being used. Licensing…
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  • Mama To Mama: The Minimalist Diaper Bag

    The new year is a time for resolution and transformation. And the middle of January is a time for giving up on all your goals and resolutions…. I often find this true for myself, unless my particular resolution is actually making my days easier and more enjoyable. Welcome to my only resolution that has truly…
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  • Green Cleaning in Schools: The Green Mama Guide to healthy, safe, clean schools


    You are a teacher or school administrator and you want to go green but aren’t sure where to start? The answer is probably right in front of your eyes: the soap next to the sink, the bottle of bleach for spraying down the tables, the window cleaner in the cabinet.

  • Buddings Flexible Childcare: A New Approach to an Old Problem

     It didn’t take long after I moved to Vancouver to start hearing about all of the issues parents have with childcare here.  There isn’t enough of it, it is too expensive, and there is little diversity of options.

  • How to green your child’s school: a guide to a healthier, greener classroom

    Ideally every school setting would be green and healthy. After all, your child will spend 1/3 of his or her day there.  Studies show that more than half of U.S. schools suffer from problems related to indoor air quality (which is typically more polluted than outdoor air even in the best situations). Indoor air quality issues can affect teacher retention, student performance, (and ultimately) school funding.

  • Cheat Sheet for safer, healthier cleaning in childcare facilities


    You are a childcare provider and you want to go green but aren’t sure where to start? The answer is probably right in front of your eyes: the soap next to the sink, the bottle of bleach for spraying down the tables, the window cleaner in the cabinet.

  • What YOU can do to green your child’s classroom

    The first day of school: it is a blessing and a challenge.  When your child is at home, it seems easier to be in control of their safety. Then one day your child goes off to their first day of school (think cute little back pack and a last wave as they disappear through the door) and everything changes. “My teacher said…” becomes a routine saying at home and all of the sudden your baby is demanding that you start recycling.