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The Green Mama Blog

  • How to Find a Greener, Safer Carseat or Booster

    When buying carseats there are two additional green options to consider. 1. The toxins in the carseats. Read more. 2. The plastic and waste in the carseats themselves (which are hard or impossible to recycle and can also be associated with the toxins above.) Read more. How to find a greener carseat  Check out the…
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  • The Strolex TriplePlay 5-in-1 Carseat/Stroller

    A great carseat for the car-free or jet-setting family.

  • Can I recycle my baby’s carseat?

    Dear D.: Carseat recycling is possible and of course it is preferable to throwing the plastic, metal, and material into the garbage where it takes landfill space and can leach flame retardants, plasticizers, and even heavy metals.  Unfortunately, the alternative is recycling and there are few places that recycle them.  I called one of these…
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  • Just say “No” to strollers? Maybe.

    A few other moms and I were walking in the park the other day and the subject of our strollers came up. “Ugh, I hate this stroller,” my friend complained as she kicked at its sleek, $800 dollar frame while trying to maneuver the tire out of the sand trap. The other moms sighed in agreement and cast disparaging looks at their own expensive strollers. I started to jump into my usual enthusiastic cheer for my Phil and Teds e3 (which converts to a double stroller and a jogger without taking up any additional footprint), but then I stopped.

  • Good green goods: a carseat on wheels

    For part of my follow-up on the blog about taxis and carseats I thought I should let you know about one of those products that I feel makes life as a green mama easier. Or, at least, makes life as a car-free green mama easier.

    If you have ever tried to take your kid on transit or in the Igo shared car you know what it feels like to be a camel: stroller, carseat, and diaper bag piled high and, somewhere in all of this, the baby.

  • Taxis, carseats, and transit… oh my!

    It’s another day as a car-free mother of a toddler and I’m standing on the corner with Zella Rose in her sling and a huge, toddler carseat at my side. I called a taxi but it never came. So, I’ve dragged the carseat, the baby, and all the baby’s stuff to the corner. Empty taxis are swooshing by me. Some slow down, but none of them stop.