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The Green Mama Blog

  • Mama to Mama: Surviving Summer Vacation

    Summer is the time of the never setting sun. Long lazy days at the beach. Picnics in the park. Unstructured time to follow your bliss… Or is it the time of year when 2 and half months of nothing stretches out before you, a mini van full of kids asking for you to drive them…
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  • Telly Me About It

      Ah, Summer. A time When Cubans drag out the Caja China to roast…anything, and sit around talking. (Gossiping, actually, but let’s go with “talking”.) Mojitos and sangria flow, (as easily as the “chisme”), and a gorgeous time is had by all. Unless, of course, you are moving. This summer, my familia and I moved…
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  • Baby On The Go Part 1: Packing Essentials

    Here are the 3 questions to ask yourself when you are packing your family for a trip: 1. What you are doing, where you are going, how are you travelling, and for how long? Your packing list is going to change drastically depending on what you plan to do and where you will end up….
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