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The Green Mama Blog

  • In Search of the Practical Life: What happens when a city girl moves to a remote island

    Life on an island I’m a city girl. I have spent most of my life living in cities. Some of my favourite places in the world are cities. Give me a day in Chicago, Istanbul, London, Edinburg, Delhi, Montreal… these places are alive, diverse, and full of culture and interesting cuisine. So, I was as…
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  • 10 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep aka How to Life-Hack Your Way Through the Time Change

    How to help your family ease through seasonal time change with natural sleep remedies   I hate the time change, especially in the spring where it feels like that “lost” hour is never retrieved. For years, I spent the spring in Guatemala where the time does not change and it was much easier to just…
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  • How to Celebrate Advent

    How to Celebrate Advent Simply, no matter what your faith This is not really a “How To” in any sort of prescriptive way. I like the simplicity of that title. Advent is defined as the four Sundays that lead up to Christmas. Yet, in my family, where we celebrate Hannukah, Christmas, and the big event…
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  • In Search of the Practical Life: Light and Fog

    The fog lays over our little island like a child tucked in the bed for night. It’s as if we are all being called to say our prayers and retire the day’s events. There is nothing surrounding us… there are no little rock islands to which to paddle, neighbours to greet, or mountains to reach….
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  • In Search of the Practical Life: New Beginnings

    I’ve been stuck at home for a week. My car, even with snow chains on, can’t make it up our two kilometer, hilly, and now icy road It’s January and a time of new beginnings. As if I didn’t have enough new beginning: leaving the city and moving to a very rural island with my…
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  • How & Why to do a Winter Spiral

    The Winter Spiral aka the Advent Spiral is a beautiful tradition that can grace the season of any family, no matter what the belief system. I have been exposed to Advent Spirals from two sources. One, through Waldorf, where every year my children, and sometimes I, have walked into and back out of a double…
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