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The Green Mama Blog

  • How do I find a nontoxic baby crib that doesn’t cost a fortune?

    Congratulations Rebecca! As you know from the book, furniture is the biggest polluter in most homes and a new baby’s bedroom is likely already the most polluted in the home. Luckily, yes, there are cheaper alternatives than a new wood crib. Furniture Furniture is the most significant source of formaldehyde exposure in your home. In…
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  • How & Why to Get a Truly Natural Mattress: When organic isn’t enough

    A truly healthy, green mattress might be the most important investment you make in your home. Certainly, it is in your child’s bedroom. Why get a truly natural mattress? Because conventional mattresses are toxic and the toxins they release (and continue to release throughout their entire life) have been found in the blood of newborn…
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  • Four household polluters & how to fix indoor air pollution problems

    Four household polluters that you can do something about   Our indoor air is significantly more polluted than outdoor air and this is even true in most big cities. The bad news is that since we spend by far most of our days (about 90%) indoors, where the pollution is 5 to 7 times worse…
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  • How to get better, healthier sleep for your baby & child

    Sleep. Ah. It can seem so allusive for parents of young children. Yet, increasingly we are understanding just how important it is. Sleep is a time of regeneration and growth for all humans and a time of great brain plasticity and development, especially for babies. Sleep is also a particularly vulnerable time. As one doctor…
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  • How to find a safe mattress?

    Thank you Chris for being such a thoughtful green papa. I can relate to the difficult leap from going from a crib (or co-sleeper) sized mattress to a child (i.e. adult) size one and the corresponding price jump. In my experience, it is possible to find a truly natural (READ: nontoxic) crib mattress for around…
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  • How to make your own natural mattress

    When Money Matters More: DIY Mattresses The last thing my mom was thinking about when she had three kids while on welfare was whether to get a natural mattress. And, when our daughter was ready for a “real kid” mattress, we couldn’t afford it at the time. So, what costs almost no money and does…
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