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The Green Mama Blog

  • How do I find a nontoxic baby crib that doesn’t cost a fortune?

    Congratulations Rebecca! As you know from the book, furniture is the biggest polluter in most homes and a new baby’s bedroom is likely already the most polluted in the home. Luckily, yes, there are cheaper alternatives than a new wood crib. Furniture Furniture is the most significant source of formaldehyde exposure in your home. In…
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  • How to get better, healthier sleep for your baby & child

    Sleep. Ah. It can seem so allusive for parents of young children. Yet, increasingly we are understanding just how important it is. Sleep is a time of regeneration and growth for all humans and a time of great brain plasticity and development, especially for babies. Sleep is also a particularly vulnerable time. As one doctor…
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  • How to find a safe mattress?

    Thank you Chris for being such a thoughtful green papa. I can relate to the difficult leap from going from a crib (or co-sleeper) sized mattress to a child (i.e. adult) size one and the corresponding price jump. In my experience, it is possible to find a truly natural (READ: nontoxic) crib mattress for around…
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