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The Green Mama Blog

  • How safe is your kid's school lunch?

    It’s back to school time again and do you know what your kid is eating? Chances are if she is eating the school lunch, you don’t. Behind the heading of “hamburger with fries,” “pizza with vegetables,” is a dirty little secret that might be harming your child.  (Yes, this is a re-post, BUT school lunches are one of the top green issues facing parents and children when going back to school.)

  • Milk: Does it do your child’s body good?


    Milk is a $20-some billion industry.  Millions of dollars are spent by dairy producers and processors to advertise milk through such campaigns as Got Milk? and Milk: It does a body good.  What, however, has been the human cost of making milk into big money?

  • The School Lunch Drama Continues

    When I was young, my family was poor. I ate the school lunch because I got it for free. Though it was rarely my only meal of the day, it was often my main meal of the day. Still, I remember when I was 7 years old biting into the hotdog on my tray and my best friend telling me, “Do you know what that is made out of?” Hotdogs were the first food that I gave up out of principle.