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Home Ec: Applesauce Waffles: Healthy, Grain-free Breakfast Recipe

These waffles are delicious, easy to make, and can be made to fit a Paleo, gluten-free, low-grain, or just hungry lifestyles. Always reach for organic ingredients when possible. I make these waffles and freeze them in freezer bags to pull out and toast on busy school mornings–way more affordable, healthier, and more delicious than store-bought.

Applesauce Waffles
waffle batter
6 organic eggs
1 ½ cup homemade applesauce (or buy it)
1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
3 Tablespoon coconut oil or butter
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
Dash of nutmeg
1 ½ tsp baking soda
pinch of sea salt
1 cup & 2 Tbsp. sprouted spelt flour, coconut flour, or almond flour

1/4 cup blended, soaked chia seeds (optional)

Whisk the wet ingredients and then add in the flour. Spelt flour is low-gluten, but is not gluten-free. Coconut flour and almond flour are gluten-free.

This batter can be saved for a few days or used immediately.

Pour into the waffle maker. And enjoy! Makes approximately 3 to 4 large waffles.